Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

ZBrush comes with many unique features[4] to aid in the sculpting of models and meshes.
3D Brushes
The initial ZBrush download comes with 30 3D sculpting brushes with more available for download. The brushes come with many attributes pertaining to them, including hardness, different stroke types, and alphas, which apply a shape to the stroke.
Polypainting allows ZBrush users to paint on an object's surface without the need to first assign a texture map.
Since ZBrush also gives the ability to sculpt in 2.5D, the ZBrush package comes with more than a few brushes for sculpting in 2.5D. A pixol put down when sculpting or illustrating in 2.5D contain information on its own color, depth, material, position, and lighting information.
ZBrush also has a feature that is similar to skeletal animation in other 3D programs. The transpose feature allows a user to isolate a part of the model and pose it without the need of skeletal rigging.
Probably one of the more unique features of ZBrush, ZSpheres allow a ZBrush user to create a base mesh with clean topology and then convert it into a sculpt-able model. A ZSphere starts out with a simple sphere that you can extract from until you have the basic shape of the model you want to sculpt on.
GoZ tab in Autodesk Maya's shelf.
Introduced in ZBrush 3.2 OSX, GoZ automates setting up shading networks for normal, displacement, and texture maps of the 3D models in GoZ-enabled applications. Upon sending the mesh back to ZBrush, GoZ will automatically remap the existing high-resolution details to the incoming mesh.[2] GoZ will take care of operations such as correcting points & polygons order. The updated mesh is immediately ready for further detailing, map extractions, and transferring to any other GoZ-enabled application.[5]
New in Release 2, DynaMesh is a topological-free sculpting process. When sculpting with traditional techniques, polygons become stretched and difficult to work with. Now with a quick gesture, ZBrush will instantly generate a new sculpting-friendly model with uniform polygon distribution. This makes it possible for users to focus only on the visual aspects of their model, without worrying about its underlying geometry.

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